Terry & Diana's
Photography and More



These are the only families for which I have photo examples.


Acanthaceae (acanthus, ruellia)
Apiaceae (carrots, false thistles)
Aquifoliaceae (hollies)
Asclepiadaceae (milkweeds)
Asteraceae (asters, sunflowers, daisies)
Berberidaceae (barberries)
Bignoniaceae (trumpet-creepers)
Boraginaceae (borages)
Brassicaceae (mustards, pepper plants)
Cactaceae (cacti)
Campanulaceae (bell flowers)
Capparaceae (cappers, allthorns, clamyweeds)
Caprifoliaceae (honeysuckles)
Caryophyllaceae (pinks)
Convolvulaceae (morning glories)
Cornaceae (dogwoods)
Crassulaceae (rose crowns)
Cucurbitaceae (cucumbers, melons)
Droseraceae (sundews)
Ericaceae (heaths)
Euphoribiaceae (euphorbs, spurges)
Fabaceae (legumes, peas)
Fouquieriaceae (ocotillo)
Fumariaceae (fumitories)
Garryaceae (silk tassels)
Gentianaceae (gentians)
Geraniaceae (geraniums)
Hippocastanaceae (horse-chestnuts, buckeye)
Hydrophyllaceae (water leafs)
Krameriaceae (Krameria, ratany)
Lamiaceae (mints)
Lauraceae (laurels)
Lennoaceae (Desert Christmas Tree)
Linaceae (flaxes)






Loasaceae (rocknettles, stick leafs)
Loganiaceae (pinkroots)
Malvaceae (mallows)
Monotripacea (Indian pipes)
Nyctaginaceae (four-o'clocks)
Nymphaeaceae (water-lilies)
Oleaceae (fringe tree)

Onagraceae (evening primroses)
Orobanchaceae (broom-rapes, cancer roots)
Oxalidaceae (wood-sorrels)
Papaveraceae (poppies)
Passifloraceae (passion-flowers)
Pedaliacea (devil's claw)
Piperaceae (peppers)
Polemoniaceae (phlox)
Polygalaceae (milkwort)
Polygonaceae (bistort)
Portulacaceae (purslanes)
Primulaceae (primroses)
Ranunculaceae (buttercups, columbines)
Rhamnaceae (buckthorns)
Rosaceae (roses)
Rubiaceae (madders)
Sapindaceae (soapberries)
Sarraceniaceae (pitcher plan
Saururaceae (lizard tail)
Saxifragaceae (saxifrages)
Scrophulariaceae (figworts, penstemons)
Solanaceae (night shade, potatoes)
Styracaceae (silver and snow bells)
Theaceae (teas)
Urticaceae (nettles)
Verbenaceae (verbenas)
Violaceae (violets)
Zygophyllaceae (creosotes)