18 species Damselfly Extravaganza - 2 May 2009

Dad & I got a tip from Robert Behrstock that he'd seen a couple of Amelia's Threadtails (Neoneura amelia) at Uvalde's Fort Inge Park a couple of weeks back.  We finally got the opportunity to spend mid-day on Saturday May 2nd, down there.  Things didn't look too promising as it was overcast as we drove down, and remained so most of the day.  However, it turned out to be an incredibly productive day for Odes, as we found 18 species of Damselfly alone!  We also added 9 species of Dragonfly.  Although we were unable to get photos of every single species, I did get photos of most of the damsels.   Most notably, we found all three US species of threadtails (Protoneuridae).


American Rubyspot (Hetaerina americana)
These were very common, probably hundreds seen, spaced every few feet along the stream below the dam.

Smoky Rubyspot (Hetaerina titia)
I saw 20-30 of these.  They weren't so abundant as the American Rubyspots, but were scattered about.


As soon as I got to the water, I spotted the first Threadtail.  This species was by far the least abundant - we only saw 2 males and were only able to photograph a single specimen.

Orange-striped Threadtail (Protoneura cara)

We soon started seeing our target for the day, Amelia's Threadtail.  We spent 30 or more minutes photographing a small number of individuals . . . then suddenly we came into an area where they were super-abundant.  I photographed 30 or more individuals!

the above photo was taken with the 105 mm lens of an individual hovering between my legs!

Amelia's Threadtails (Neoneura amelia)
All told, we quit counting numbers of individuals, but probably saw somewhere in the ballpark of 100 individuals.

At this point, we were thinking "Threadtail Trifecta", when I spotted a single pair of Coral-fronted Threadtails in with the Amelia's


(with a newly emerged Rubyspot)

We also saw a few patrolling males

Coral-fronted Threadtail (Neoneura aaroni)
In total, I think we saw 7 individuals of this species.



Blue-ringed Dancers (Argia sedula)
Many seen

Comanche Dancer (Argia barretti)
Several seen

Dusky Dancer (Argia translata)
several seen

Golden-winged Dancer (Argia rhoadsi)
2 or 3 seen

Kiowa Dancer (Argia immunda)
many seen

Powdered Dancer (Argia moesta)
many seen


Arroyo Bluet (Enallagma praevarum)
several seen

Double-striped Bluet (Enallagma basidens)
several seen

Neotropical Bluet (Enallagma novaehispaniae)
many seen

Orange Bluet (Enallagma signatum)
only 3-4 seen in the stream below the dam, many seen on floating vegetation in the lake.


Fragile Forktail (Ischnura posita)
several seen

Dad also saw a Citrine Forktail, but I didn't see or photograph that species.


Desert Firetail (Telobasis salva)
many seen

Misc Damselfly photos

American Rubyspot and Blue-ringed Dancers

Neotropical Bluet & Blue-ringed Dancer



saw several Common Green Darners that we were unable to photograph


Sulfur-tipped Clubtail (Gomphus militaris)
2 tenerals seen


saw several Dot-winged Baskettails that we did not photograph


Pale-faced Clubskimmer (Brechmorhoga mendax)
several seen, only 1 perched for photos (only my 2nd perched one of these in 2 years!)

Swift Setwing (Dythemis velox)
1 seen

Also saw (but did not photograph):

Eastern Pondhawk
Blue Dasher
Hyacinth Glider
Red Saddlebags